13 Sep Multicultural Mole Removal
Removing moles is a standard procedure, mainly performed for both cosmetic and medical purposes. Although most moles are benign, many can begin to transform over time. The best way to treat an abnormal mole is to have it removed by a skincare professional, but not all mole removal happens in the same fashion. Those with darker skin tones tend to develop different moles than individuals with lighter complexions, which means that the mole removal process varies as well. If your skin contains more melanin, mole removal becomes a more specialised procedure that Dr Omarjee has extensive experience with.
Multicultural Skin Pigmentation
Skin conditions can develop in any skin colour, but the effects that each condition has varies for different skin types. The difference occurs due to the amount of melanin in the skin. Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes, which distribute colour throughout the body. However, individuals with darker complexions have larger amounts of melanin that also have a greater distribution radius. This influx of melanin protects the skin against UV rays, which keeps most damage at bay, but the higher absorption rates in darker skin also increases chances of pigmentation conditions.
When damage is inflicted upon darker complexions, hyperpigmentation (an excess of pigment in the skin) can occur over time, meaning that marks like moles, freckles and blemishes are likely to appear. These same circumstances form in lighter skin as well; the difference is that lighter skin is more susceptible to hyperpigmentation due to its lack of melanin and therefore more readily recognised.
Treating Darker Skin
Larger amounts of melanin have a tendency to produce skin that is more sensitive to injury. Even typical cosmetic procedures like laser treatment, dermabrasion and certain fillers can create enough trauma in the skin to induce hyperpigmentation in darker complexions, which is why the removal of skin conditions — like moles — needs to be handled differently than with lighter skin.
If you have darker skin, it is important that you seek treatment with a skin-care professional experienced in treating ethnic complexions and identifying pigmentation concerns. Because darker skin is better protected against UV rays, conditions such as skin cancer are less regarded and therefore more likely to go unnoticed, giving the disease more time to develop and become malignant. A specialist like Dr Omarjee can evaluate the skin and determine specific treatment for multicultural skin tones that will improve its texture, health and overall appearance.
Mole Removal with Dr Omarjee
Moles can be removed for cosmetic reasons and medical concerns. Typically, Dr Omarjee will perform a skin cancer assessment even if the mole is being removed for aesthetic purposes. If you have concerns about a mole on your face or body, it is important to seek a skin evaluation to determine the best way to effectively remove it. Dr Omarjee will examine the attributes of the mole as well as your specific skin type and make a proper assessment. He offers a multitude of mole and skin lesion removal procedures that can be performed quickly and comfortably.
- Radio frequency mole removal – This treatment is used mainly for the removal of cosmetically concerning moles. With the Ellman Surgitron and electrode loop tool, the skin is gently burned in order to remove the mole. Cauterising the mole helps control bleeding and keeps the skin in place during treatment, and it is a preferred treatment when considering aesthetic issues.
- Laser mole removal – The RevLite SI laser is used to remove moles, age spots and other damages without harming surrounding areas on the skin. The treatment is a nonsurgical approach for lightening pigmentation issues and is known for its precision treating moles.
- Excisional biopsy – Excising moles is performed to either obtain a biopsy or remove the mole altogether. Commonly, moles are biopsied if skin cancer is suspected, in which case the procedure is performed under local anaesthetic and typically has minimal downtime afterwards. Other times, moles are removed if they are becoming a cosmetic nuisance.
Before any treatment begins, Dr Omarjee clinically assesses your mole or lesion and determines if the lesion is benign or suspicious. Pre-emptive measures determine the type of procedure to be used to treat the condition and ensures the best cosmetic and medical results. Dr Omarjee has received additional training in skin cancer detection and is qualified to assess the conditions of moles on the body. Depending on the extent of your procedure, multiple treatments may be required to fully eliminate pigmentation. The amount of sessions* you will need will be discussed during your consultation.
Side Effects of Mole Removal
As with any cosmetic procedure, there are some side effects that can occur after treatment. During a consultation with Dr Omarjee, you will discuss potential risks of the procedure before it begins. Your consultation is a good time for you to ask any questions or express the concerns you may have about your treatment, particularly if you have darker skin. It will be helpful to gain a better understanding of how your particular procedure will impact the appearance of your skin once it is complete.
Possible side effects of mole removal include scarring, slight pain, bruising and infection although Dr Omarjee and his staff will do their best to minimise the risks involved. During an excision, you will likely be left with a scar, but it should fade as the procedure begins to heal. If stitches are used to close the treatment wound, there is a risk of the skin stretching and the stitches ripping, which may reopen the wound. The occurrence of infection is rare and will usually respond quickly to antibiotics, however if you are concerned about the appearance of the wound or any other side effects you may be experiencing, you should contact The DOC Clinic immediately.
Regardless of skin colour, everyone is at risk for developing skin pigmentation during their lives, and Dr Omarjee has the qualifications and experience necessary to treat such concerns on multicultural skin types. If you would like more information about mole removal or to schedule a consultation with The DOC Clinic, please call us on (03) 9021 6022.