Our Devices


(IDAS) 532nm KTP Laser

Our Devices - 1

Used for the following treatments

Clarius LD20

Ultrasound Scanner

Our Devices - 2

Used for the following treatments

Cutera XEO

(Nd:YAG (1064nm) & Limelight (IPL)

Our Devices - 3

Used for the following treatments

Cutera Excel V Plus

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Used for the following treatments


(Skin needling Pen)

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Used for the following treatments

Ellman Surgitron


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Used for the following treatments

Fotona Dynamis SP

(Erbium:YAG and Nd:YAG (1064nm))

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Used for the following treatments

Fraxel Dual


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Used for the following treatments

Healite II

(Lutronic) LED

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Used for the following treatments


(Skin needling Pen)

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Used for the following treatments

Revlite (Con-Bio) Q switch laser

(1064nm,532nm, 585nm, 650nm)

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Used for the following treatments

Secret RF

(Fractationated RF microneedling)

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Used for the following treatments

Terason 3200T

(Next gen- tablet ultrasound)

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Used for the following treatments

Ultraformer 3


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Used for the following treatments

Zimmer Cryo6

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Used for the following treatments


We stock the following medical grade cosmeceuticals. Come in for a consultation so we can help you decide which products will work best for your skin.

Aspect Dr

Our Devices - 16

Aspect Sun

Our Devices - 17

Beaute Pacifique

Our Devices - 18

Cosmedix Elite

Our Devices - 19

DP Dermaceuticals

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