The highly experienced team at The DOC Clinic, led by Dr Omarjee, offers a variety of treatment options to minimise the visible signs of rosacea. Medicare refunds may also be applicable.
Rosacea is one of the most common skin conditions, with treatment of the skin condition typically taking the form of light-based therapy. At The DOC Clinic, Dr Omarjee and his team perform light-based rosacea treatment in Melbourne using the Cutera Nd: YAG laser for rosacea along with medical-grade cosmeceutical creams, which can reduce the redness, acne-like bumps and overall discomfort associated with the condition. Our cosmetic physician is also able to perform Laser Genesis for treatment of facial redness caused by rosacea as well as IPL where your specific condition means this is the best solution.
Treatment Of Facial Veins
Dr Ed Omarjee offers two main options for treatment for broken capillaries that can otherwise result in the appearance of facial veins. The DOC Clinic can administer Nd: YAG laser vein treatment or provide intense pulse light (IPL) vein treatment. Which option is best suited to you will depend on the size of the blood vessels to be treated and their location on the face. Dr Omarjee has found that combination treatments yield the best results.
The Effects Of Rosacea
In less common cases, rosacea can cause physical discomfort. If left untreated, it can also cause long-lasting effects, however most people seek treatment from a cosmetic physician before this happens. It’s more common for those who suffer from rosacea to experience social anxieties, especially if they are unaware of what causes their rosacea to flare-up. The constant worry of whether a flare-up might happen may induce stress and subsequently cause a flare-up to occur.
What doctors do know is that the effects of rosacea tend to present themselves when blood vessels in the face begin to expand, which could be caused by exercise, hot weather, stress or spicy foods. In some cases, consuming alcohol can enhance these symptoms. When a person has a flare-up they may experience:
A flushed face
More sensitive skin
Pimple-like breakouts
Dry or itchy eyes
Bumpy skin
The effects of rosacea vary from person to person and multiple forms of the condition exist. The best suited form of treatment will largely depend on which subtype is experienced, with each method offered at our rosacea treatment facility in Melbourne endeavouring to alleviate the symptoms associated with each patient’s particular case.
Facial Redness
Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea, or facial redness, is the type of rosacea recognised most often. This category is defined by persistent redness and flushing in the face. Stinging or burning sensations may also occur during flare-ups and the blood vessels are usually visible on the face. Subtype 1 is generally treated by a cosmetic physician using the Nd: YAG laser.
Bumps And Pimples
Also known as papulopustular rosacea, this subtype is characterised by redness as well as swelling in certain regions of the face and acne-like bumps. In order to treat the bumps that stem from this condition, a medical-grade cosmeceutical is used along with laser treatment to alleviate the redness.
Enlargement Of The Nose
This form of rosacea is referred to as phymatous rosacea, which creates a bumpy and waxy texture on the skin. Additionally, the same bumps may cause excess tissue on the nose – a condition known as rhinophyma – which can thicken the skin and create irregular surface nodules, making the nose look enlarged. Phymatous rosacea treatment from a cosmetic physician typically involves a combination of light-based and cosmeceutical treatments.
Eye Irritation
Ocular rosacea, or eye irritation, causes the eyes to look red and swollen during a flare-up. The eyes may also sting and burn, which may impair vision in some cases. Many individuals who suffer from ocular rosacea look as if they have a sty on their eyes.
The DOC Clinic is a private specialist clinic. Fees charged are in line with AMA recommended rates for specialist consultations. The fee may vary according to the service provided to you on the day you are seen. We require full payment on the day of consultation, and accept cash, EFTPOS, Visa and MasterCard.
Some consultations and/or treatments may attract a Medicare rebate. The DOC Clinic can process Medicare claims at the time of your appointment in the clinic.
Medicare rebates may be available for some vein consultations and/or treatments. Please contact us to find out more.
Light-Based Treatment
Dr Omarjee performs light-based therapy as a rosacea treatment for Melbourne patients. He also offers cosmeceutical solutions as an alternative or in addition to light-based treatment. Using the Cutera Nd: YAG laser, Dr Omarjee applies 1064nm of laser energy onto the affected area and seals the blood vessels responsible for rosacea symptoms. After several sessions*, you should begin to notice a reduction in redness, pustules, swelling and flushing, and an improvement in your skin’s texture. Individual sessions* usually take no more than 30 minutes* to complete and most patients experience minimal discomfort with almost no recovery time.
Oral medicines and other antibiotics are also available as a rosacea treatment in Melbourne, however many of these medicines take weeks* to show results and may have adverse effects. Light-based treatment, on the other hand, is a more gentle solution that can be used on various skin types.
To determine whether light-based treatment is the best treatment option for your skin, Dr Omarjee or one of his skin professionals will perform an evaluation and decide what will benefit your skin the most. If it is recommended that you opt for the laser for rosacea treatment option, the number of sessions* required will depend on the severity of your individual case, but most patients will undergo between 4 and 6 treatments. Our cosmetic physician may also recommend certain lifestyle changes in order to enhance the light-based treatment. Limiting your consumption of alcohol and spicy foods or practicing relaxation techniques in order to minimise stress may reduce flare-ups. Following your treatment and depending on your specific subtype of rosacea, Dr Omarjee may recommend a medical-grade skin care regimen containing vitamins A, B and C. These serums may lock in your treatment and improve the qualities of your skin even further.
If you would like more information about this treatment at The DOC Clinic with a cosmetic physician, please call us on (03) 9021 6022 or email our office at You can also visit us at our Hoppers Crossing premises, located close to Point Cook and Werribee.
*Results will vary from person to person and with various degrees of efficacy.